Camp Horizons
A Camp for Foster Kids
In partnership with YMCA, the Lions of District 4-C1 have served more than 161 kids at Lake Macumber for the Camp Horizons Foster kids camp experience. The camp staff, some of whom have served Camp Horizons for these three years, has grown, matured,and learned better how to service this unique “not our traditional culture” population.
The Enterprise Lions are proud to be a sponsor of Camp Horizons since it was first envisioned by one of our members. We are especially proud that Camp Horizons was recently recognized as a District project, which resulted in expanded Lions support from clubs throughout our district. Camp Horizons enjoys a fantastic partnership with the Shasta Family YMCA and tremendous community support. This camp experience would not be possible without individual, Lions and YMCA financial support and grants.
During the five-day camp, youth enjoy classic camp activities, such as nature hikes, canoe races, archery, crafts, organized cabin games, campfires, songs, and skits. For some, camp is a time to spend with siblings who don’t get to see each other often, and for others, it is a place to be valued and heard, make new friends, and gain self-confidence. Camp has something for everyone! Many youth expressed how they were hesitant about coming at first and didn’t know what to expect at camp. But at the end of the week, they didn’t want to go home because they had so much fun and were so grateful for the opportunity to
attend! Many expressed interest in coming back and taking on a leadership role as a CIT (Counselor in Training) the next year! It is an honor to give these children a relaxing and fun week, a new perspective, and lasting memories for years to come!
This camp is designed so kids in foster care can see that that they will discover the endless possibilities or new horizons that await them.