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The Enterprise Lions Community Activity Fund is the number one way you can make an impact with the Enterprise Lions Club.  You can help now by giving to Enterprise Lions Community Activity Fund and have 100% confidence that all of the money spent will impact programs in the greater Redding area. Our Funds are managed by the Community Foundation of the Northstate, and include an endowment that will keep the Giant American Flag on Interstate-5 flying for eternity. Additionally, the services provided to your community by the Enterprise Lions Club are valuable and necessary in our present day circumstances. When we think of all the people Lions Clubs have helped already, we feel not only deeply grateful for our service and vision, but also strongly compelled to reach out to the community for additional support .

  • $50 - Community Donor

  • $100 - Shasta Donor

  • $500 - Sundial Donor

  • $750 - Champion Donor

  • $1,000 - Patriot Donor


 By giving a small donation to the Enterprise Lions Club, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you have helped a child receive free vision screening, a family receive firewood in the winter, a student receives a scholarship for school and those lives are being transformed by our programs and your support. 

  • Vision Screening in local schools

  • Giant American Flag

  • Youth Camperships for Diabetic camp & Foster Kids Camp

  • Humanitarian Efforts

  • Disaster Relief Efforts

 Enterprise Lions Club      PO Box 493308       Redding, CA 96049

Copyright 2024-2026 by Enterprise Lions Club. Website Managed and Hosted by Spencer Consulting Solutions

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